Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1) Read online

Page 15

  His voice eventually filtered through my bewildered mind. “Welcome. Can I help you with anything?” I heard him greet decorously.

  I looked towards the voice and saw a handsome man, around twenty, with hair brighter than a poppy and wearing a dignified suit. Chara answered him automatically. “We are looking for a full-plated wing brace,” she stated, business-like, “for Ruby Swartette. It needs to be suitable for the High Flight.”

  “Ah,” he nodded knowingly, “This way.”

  He gestured for us to follow him and he led us towards the left hand side of the huge room, towards a blond woman behind another glass cabinet. She was fiddling with an emerald coated dagger that she must have stolen from the Tower of London. She smiled warmly, flashing a set of small white teeth.

  “These ladies are after the Swartette wing brace,” the man told her seriously.

  “Swartette?” she raised her eyebrows, scrutinising our ordinary appearances with assessing eyes, probably wondering why a Swartette would be hanging around with two Ashaiks. Then she shook her head, her face dissolving into friendliness. “Oh good, we did wonder whether or not it would be completed in time when we got the order yesterday.”

  I glanced over at Chara and Ebony in confusion, who shared identical expressions. I spoke up, “Order?”

  She frowned at our puzzled faces, “Yes, High Lynk Swartette placed the order in yesterday for a gold full-plated wing brace fitted for a medium build female. All measurement alterations can be completed tomorrow after it has been displayed tonight. Ah,” she said, “Here it is.”

  I glanced over to where she was looking as two men carried over a gigantic gold wing brace, similar to Kieran’s earlier with its heavy chainmail links and long bladelike plates of armouring. Kieran’s was nothing in comparison to this one; it was overwhelmingly beautiful and expensive with its ruby and diamond encrusted chains and plates. It was apparently a traditional one; which basically meant you couldn’t fit extra blades in it –though why the hell a Phoenix would need blades as well as talons and sharp wings, I had no idea.

  “It is set to be sent straight to the High Flight tonight, so there is no need to take it now,” said the woman, nodding at the men, who removed the brace.

  “So has this already been paid for?” Chara asked.

  “Of course,” she nodded.

  “Oh,” I said, looking at the other two, “well that’s sorted then.”

  As we left the building Chara said, “Well that was strange, that Lynk paid for everything.”

  “Well I’m not complaining,” I said, “I don’t know how I would have paid for one anyway to be honest. How much is it to be inked?”

  “Nothing for you, you’re Royalty,” Ebony said. “To be honest that’s why we brought you, we thought you wouldn’t have to pay for a wing brace either. It would be payment enough in advertisement for the shop.”

  “Why is my brace gold though?” I wondered, remembering a little about metal from school lessons. “Gold is soft. Why use it for armouring?”

  Ebony smiled, “It’s mostly for show, not for fighting, but the gold is treated to strengthen it.”

  “Oh,” I said.

  We next made our way to where I would be tattooed. The building was older, but kept in good condition. There were large paintings on the walls, more mark-like patterns in different styles, and there were three rows of occupied seats where people were being tattooed with sharp needle-like instruments and bowls of diaphanous ink. I wasn’t really nervous at all to be honest. I knew that if I’d decided to have a tattoo a month ago I would have been a nervous wreck before going, but now that I’d gone through the pain of the Change, the thought of a measly little tattoo didn’t bother me at all.

  In the end it wasn’t really that exciting. Ebony had been right as well, I didn’t have to pay to be inked and it didn’t take very long either, considering the size of the mark I had. The woman who did it seemed ancient, deep wrinkles cracking her face, but she was obviously the most experienced professional in the place. It did hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable and every prick of the needle was fast and precise. The transparent ink was strange. I didn’t know why it made the marks permanent but if it worked…

  It took the better part of an hour. I definitely appreciated it when Ebony suggested lunch at a nice little restaurant on the way back. She recommended ‘Taleni’ and since I didn’t know what anything else on the menu was, I ordered it. It turned out to be a spicy rice-based dish which came with tasty cracker things and strangely textured vegetables I had never tasted before. After drinking an ominous sparkling beverage which faintly tasted of strawberry-quite obviously laced with some form of alcohol-we headed off to the other side of the main street to get the others clothes for tonight.

  By now the afternoon was growing late and my feet ached. Chara and Ebony talked as we walked, while I watched the acrobat from earlier. I was so caught up in the image of his twisted body that when somebody abruptly exploded into me, I didn’t have time to react as I was shoved towards one of the alleyways that branched out from the main street.

  I screamed as hands yanked my hair, forcing me quickly down the street. A knife was immediately at my neck. I swallowed, feeling the blade delicately flutter over my skin.

  The main street had vanished instantaneously, along with the bustling crowd. My heartbeat pounded erratically. Everything had changed in an instant. A moment ago I was happily watching the acrobat and now I struggled against the hands that held me, absolutely terrified. How long till the others noticed I’d gone? I closed my eyes, praying.

  When I breathed the icy frigid air, opening my eyes, I was somewhere else. I’d been pulled down another alley.

  With wide panicking eyes I screamed again. It was darker here; I didn’t know where I’d been taken. A sweaty hand covered my mouth and lifted me forwards. I struggled desperately, kicking out. I couldn’t breathe properly. I heard words being mumbled behind me and I felt my throat swell as fingers wrapped around my neck. I could barely see as I was carried down the alley. I didn’t know who was attacking me, but suddenly I was shoved against a wall.

  A man’s body pressed against me, my back against the wall. I had no room to escape. There was no way out.

  The hands released my neck. I gasped. I could breathe again, but my body was now frozen into involuntary immobility.

  It was too dark. Too deserted. Where was everybody? I saw the flash of red, red eyes and then something cold and sharp was pressing against my throat.

  The knife.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “If you use Chyun’ju, I’ll cut out your damned throat,” said the man. His voice was deep and eerily calm. “I know who you are,” he spoke as if he were talking to a lover, low and passionate.

  A tremor rocketed violently though me as his other hand slid to my back, lasciviously tracing the lower area of my spine. Pain flared where my marks had been permanently tattooed. His eyes were simultaneously malicious and hungry and his sharp nails scratched my skin like a scalpel.

  “I know what you can do.” He pressed the blade deeper into the soft flesh at my throat. I forced my neck up, trying to stop it digging in. Pain exploded into me; I tasted blood. “And I know exactly what I’ll do if you don’t comply.”

  I pleaded with my eyes. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I couldn’t speak. I could feel hot sticky blood leak down my neck. He removed his hand from my patterns to join it with his other hand as the blade slowly moved forward. I needed to be brave; surely Chara and Ebony would find me? What if they couldn’t get through the crowd? What if they thought I was lost? Actually, did I want them to find me? Then they’d have to fight.

  “I know your father’s formed alliances with the Barlayic. I have seen his army in the mountains,” he said. “What is he doing?” he pressed the blade harder and hissed, “Tell me”.

  I tried to shake my head. I didn’t know anything, especially about my father. He sliced the knife deeper, the blade sinking as easily
as if it were cutting soft cheese. Pain throbbed in my neck; I could feel my throat bleed. I wanted to cough. Then faintly I heard the wonderful melody of Chara’s voice. I looked out towards the end of the alley, subsequently tearing my skin further. The man ignored the sound.

  From the corner of my vision I noticed a rock on the floor glint as it caught the light when the man accidentally nudged it. I had a plan, sort-of.

  “Perhaps,” he wondered silkily, “I’ll cut out your voice and send it to Lynk in a pretty envelope. He can’t use you then, little weapon.”

  “I don’t know anything,” I tried to say. As the words spurted out excruciatingly, flecks of my own blood spat into his crimson eyes, the only part of him I could identify; he blinked.

  In the instant he blinked the blade on my neck relented slightly. I used all my strength to push him back. Startled, he staggered. Sweeping down, I picked up the rock and slammed it down onto his skull. There was a loud crack, but I’d only caught him; he’d twisted his head at the last moment. He groaned in pain and flung his blade. I heard it coming, flinching to the side.

  The blade struck the wall next to me, just clipping my ear.

  I gasped again. I swear the darkness was creeping closer to me. My heart drummed. I heard Chara call my name again. The man growled, hostile and animalistic, then I heard the clang of a dagger hitting the ground. The sound was loud enough for Chara to hear. Her calls grew closer.

  “I’ll come back for you,” the man promised belligerently.

  Then those vicious bloody eyes turned from me. Footsteps sounded down the alley in both directions now. I collapsed against the cold floor. I could barely breathe. It was like I’d tried to swallow a wire brush.

  “Ruby!” Chara said my name, panicked. Then I was being lifted up, in surprisingly strong arms. I was beyond caring about being heavy, my throat was screaming silently. Suddenly light blinded me.

  “Oh my God,” I heard Ebony gasp, “look at her throat.”

  I struggled to remain conscious.

  “She needs a healer; get her to the infirmary.”

  “She needs Kieran.” Chara stated firmly.

  There was a brief pause before I heard Ebony mutter swearwords lowly.

  Suddenly I was being lifted onto something big and soft. My fingertips barely recognised the silky feathers in the unbearable pain. I dipped in and out of nightmares. Crimson eyes were watching me; pain stalked me, I heard the bark of a dog. A cool wind was only felt when it left. Then I heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

  It swore words too awful to repeat, then continued, “Why does she always have to get into sodding trouble? She’s been here less than a day.”

  Slowly I opened my eyes; Kieran was glowering down at me. His eyes are so beautiful when he’s angry, I thought dazedly.

  An abrupt and very painful pressure was against my throat. I gasped, feeling bloody bile rising up my throat like toxic poison. My head swam, but very slowly the pain was reducing. A bizarre sensation was knitting my broken cells back together. I became aware of words being muttered, chanted against the skin of my neck.

  I could see the very top of Kieran’s head and nothing else. I felt his hot breath sending shivers across me while his hands gradually mended my wound, allowing the pain to fade into bleak nothingness. When he was done he sat up, his body looming over me. Eventually I became aware that I was on the ground outside Ebony’s house and I struggled to sit up. As I moved my throat burned and I coughed up blood. I struggled to breathe, spitting more red; red like my attackers eyes.

  I opened my mouth to thank him but no words came out. Seeing my panicked eyes Kieran said, “You won’t be able to talk for at least a couple of hours… Serves you right,” he added antagonistically, obviously extremely angry with me.

  I staggered up and looked at him meaningfully; he didn’t have to bloody save me. He understood my expression completely, standing up too.

  “It’s not like I have a lot of choice in the matter. You could at least try not to walk into danger. I’m sick of saving your stupid ungrateful ass.”

  He was infuriated and so was I. Why the hell was he being like this? It wasn’t my fault I was attacked. I wanted to scream at him not to bother saving me next time but my words wouldn’t come out.

  He smirked arrogantly as I mouthed soundlessly, “Still, at least there’s a bright side to everything.”

  “Kieran, stop it,” Chara scolded, suddenly wrapping her arm through mine and coming to my defence. “It wasn’t her fault; somebody must have dragged her down an alley at knife-point.”

  “What did they look like?” Kieran asked briskly, his jaw clenched.

  She shook her head, “I never saw them, it all happened too fast.”

  “So wait, we don’t know who attacked Ruby or why,” he concluded bitterly. “Well that’s brilliant, Ruby,” he said sarcastically, “now we’re all in danger.”

  He might as well have smacked me in the face.

  “Kieran,” Ebony shot, “don’t speak to her like that.”

  “Why? At least I can speak,” He countered; his expression hostile. I had never seen him this angry before. He turned to look sharply at Ebony. “You know the truth now. I healed her in England, but not only that, I brought her back from the Depths. There’s no point denying it anymore. I’m her healer and I goddamn hate it.”

  It was like I was a balloon which he’d deflated. He couldn’t have said anything that would have made me feel any worse. I felt the tears form but I furiously forced them back. It was the most horrible thing he’d ever said to me but I wouldn’t cry. I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t bear to see the resentment in his eyes which reflected in his voice.

  “You don’t get it Ruby,” he snarled at my expression, “It’s not just the Wall we have to think of. Every time I heal you our bodies become connected on a level nobody understands. If I keep doing it God knows what’ll happen.”

  I stared at him, unable to say anything.

  “Arhh,” he exploded. “I’m going to fly. Take her inside and for the Mother’s sake don’t let her eat anything.”

  Without another word he stormed off, tearing at his clothes as he went.

  “He didn’t mean it,” Chara assured me as she led me upstairs and into mine and Briseis’s bedroom; she still wasn’t back. Ebony went to check on Libby.

  I looked into her kind sincere eyes but knew she was wrong. Kieran hated me. I’m just a burden to him; I endanger his friends and family, and I constantly land him in trouble. I am really just a nuisance. I wouldn’t want me if I were him. He was right.

  Chara understood. “Kieran’s just upset,” she said softly.

  I shook my head pathetically.

  Chara smiled sadly, “Get some rest. Just put on something comfy and stay in bed, okay? Do you want me to get Kieran to come up when he’s cooled off a little?” I shook my head miserably. “Okay, I’ll come back in a little while.”

  As soon as the door shut quietly behind her I buried my face in my pillow and suddenly wanted my dog more than I thought possible. I cried, and it hurt. I was scared of that man, afraid he’d return as promised. I was angry and hurt by Kieran. And I just wanted to go home, but didn’t even have a home anymore. I had nothing left of my old life, my old self, to depend on.

  The hours dragged by slowly. Kieran didn’t come to see me. Briseis didn’t return at all. I lay awake for a very long time, knowing that soon I would have to go and Change. I had no idea what was even going to happen at my own celebration. I kept remembering those blood-red eyes. I snuggled deep under my protective covers, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. Eventually I drifted off.

  A child was standing in a paved courtyard. An atmosphere of warm sunlight was streaming down onto her upraised face. She wore a long red dress that matched her glorious hair, curling in ringlets around her waist. She consumed the sunlight greedily, taking it all in and twirling her little hands, palms upward, to catch the scintillating air. She turned at the sound of foot

  “Light will not make you powerful,” said her father, stepping into the magnificent yellow air. He gestured towards the corner of the courtyard, towards a caged white tiger that growled when he looked at it.

  “But it is pretty,” the young girl objected and her father gave her a look which made her think he disapproved of her observation.

  “Beauty is an optical illusion. Alas, it is useful for deception, but you don’t need to know that right now. Lets practice your voice, shall we?” he encouraged, and the girl seemed pleased that he wasn’t mad at her.

  Her father spoke to two slaves who pulled up the latch of the wooden cage holding the tiger. The furious beast charged out towards the little girl. She stood very calmly, smiling, then opened her mouth and began to sing. She sung so beautifully that the animal stopped in its tracks, seemingly fascinated and hypnotised by her voice. She willed it closer, letting it sit before her. Then she looked expectantly at her father for further instruction.

  “What else can you make it do?” he asked.

  The child smiled sweetly again, and brought up her freckled hands meaningfully. The tiger instantly obeyed and stood on its hind legs, clapping its front two paws together. She beamed excitedly at her father, waiting for his approval but he frowned disappointedly and her face fell.

  “Anyone can teach a tiger to do that,” he told her seriously, “make it do something it normally wouldn’t.”

  The little girl looked confused, “Like what, father?”

  “Make it walk back into the cage,” he suggested indifferently. He turned to the slaves and nodded. The slaves instantly brought forward two lit torches and set the wooden cage on fire, furious flames shot up instantly.