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Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1) Page 31

I nodded courteously, but asked, “Shouldn’t I be practicing at the venue?”

  Her eyebrows knitted together a fraction. “No, definitely not,” She said. “Nobody can see the Festival Palace until the night; it isn’t fully complete yet.”

  How on earth will they be ready for the Winter Festival if the venue has not even been built yet? I wondered. The Elder lead me to the Grand Hall of my Palace. It was filled with theatre chairs and a group of people with peculiar musical devices, along with drums and string instruments I vaguely identified, who I presumed were the musicians.

  “I will supervise your practice personally, and we will finish when I am satisfied,” warned the Water Elder to the entire room, including my already miserable Protector who had just followed us. She had a distinctly powerful presence about her which I couldn’t help but like in a nervous way.

  So I dropped my bag onto a nearby cushioned seat and went to stand with the band. I took a deep breath and waited for my cue to begin, as I did every day until the eve of the Winter Festival.

  Despite him having hits to deal with, Jayson continued to train me in the morning. I didn’t see the others much at all. I didn’t have time to be honest. It was very lonely. Without Jayson’s morning company, I doubt I would have survived.

  Thankfully the Festival came pretty quickly.

  “There is no way in hell I’m wearing that.”

  I swear I saw Ellie roll her big black eyes. “Lady Ruby, it is just for one night,” she assured me. “It will not kill you.”

  Looking at the thin scraps of material and jewel-enlaced golden cords that were somehow supposed to classify as clothing, I disagreed entirely.

  “Come on Ruby,” Chara said. She and Briseis had come over for the unveiling of my outfit, possibly just to mock me. Lynk didn’t know; they’d have to be gone before he got back. I hadn’t seen much of him recently. I’d hoped Chara would be on my side, but apparently not.

  “Just try it on,” she encouraged.

  “It looks better on,” Evelyn explained.

  I grudgingly picked it up with the very tips of my fingers, holding the glittery contraption at arm’s length like it was made of a poisonous substance. Maybe if you were a size six with abs and no ass it’d be okay. Unfortunately the only part of me that was a size six was my feet.

  “It’s not that bad,” Bris agreed, her face appearing from underneath the silk sheets of my bed; which she had a new found love for.

  This wasn’t fair; they were ganging up on me.

  “Okay, okay,” I surrendered, following Ellie and Trixy into my dressing room with an expression like thunder.

  After a lot of moaning, swearing, and breathing in to the point that my stomach was somewhere in my thigh, I had managed to get into the thing. Jesus Christ it hurt. They’d pulled the strings so tight I might never escape its clutches. Talk about cutting off circulation. When I came back out again, I heard Briseis giggle and Evelyn laugh helplessly, though I think it was my face they thought was so hilarious.

  “You’re walking like a moron,” Chara commented.

  “That’s because my body has been smushed into several unnatural places,” I grumbled, “and these shoes are seriously uncomfortable.” They were sandals made with a golden string that wrapped in elegant twists all the way up to my bare knees. Then I saw the mirror and was shocked.

  What wasn’t I wearing?

  There wasn’t much to Brellusk. A long draping piece of silky red fabric covered from just under my belly button, swaying all the way to my shins. It was held there by a golden cord which dangled ruby-encrusted strings over my bare hips, and at the back was another strip of material. It was like a skirt with the sides torn off. There was enough space above the skirt for my ridiculously long -draping on the floor-tail feathers to spread fantastically.

  My stomach –which had miraculously toned, a little, after the hours spent rigorously training-was bare, and my chest was supported by an excessively sequined top. It was held up by a fancy jewelled halter-neck and golden string that crisscrossed down the bottom of my back, leaving room on my shoulders for my wings to come through. The whole ensemble was ludicrous; I looked like a belly dancer.

  God I hope I wasn’t expected to dance in it. Or be able to walk in it with any sort of grace. Or breathe.

  “What’s wrong?” Chara asked at my expression. “You look amazing.”

  “What happens if it’s windy?” I explained, a little hysterically. “The whole world will see my… nakedness.”

  “You can wear a thong.” Ellie reminded me.

  I frowned, grumbling sarcastically, “Thanks for the reassurance.”

  “Just imagine Jayson’s face when he sees you in this,” Briseis said.

  To be honest I couldn’t really care less.

  “Or Kieran’s,” Chara added quietly.

  To be honest, I doubted he could care less. He hadn’t spoken to me since our last argument. Whenever I went around he ignored me completely.

  “Anyway, we’ve got to go,” Chara said brightly. “The men will be home soon. We’ll see you tomorrow and don’t worry about it. You look fine.”

  “See you babe,” Briseis kissed my cheek before dancing out the door behind Chara.

  “See you,” I muttered to the closed door, and then I turned to a patiently waiting Evelyn, “Do I have to wear it?”

  Evelyn nodded, “Yes my Lady, you do.”

  I didn’t know what I’d expected, maybe reindeer on the roof or something, but I was actually quite disappointed the next morning; the day of the Winter Festival. The Fire Palace wasn’t decorated, it was as dreary and empty as usual, nothing at all seemed spectacular and the only gift I received was a message from the Ashaiks.

  It was snowing again today, so I went out to sit on my sheltered balcony to watch the intricate flakes fall. Then I heard something.

  I shuffled back instantly; away from the railing where I could be seen. Pressing my back against the wall I listened attentively, focusing my impeccable hearing on the sounds above me, closing my eyes.

  The voice I could hear was deep and quiet, horribly rough; barely understandable. “It’ll not take long, once Lynk’s made his announcement.” I think it was saying.

  “We’ll go home then?” asked another voice.

  “If it all goes well,” answered the other.

  The other voice laughed quietly, “And if it doesn’t?”

  “Then we’ll have our own little party.”

  “Good! I haven’t eaten in far too long.”

  “Phoenix flesh is tainted,” disagreed the other. “It isn’t pure.”

  I shivered at those words.

  “That’s what makes it taste so good,” sniggered one.

  “Brother, you have forgotten the taste of human, haven’t you?” Its voice rose in shock. “I know it’s been a while since our last slave…”

  “I could never forget.”

  There was a brief silence and then, “We’ll both be reunited with it soon, anyway, Brother, thanks to Lynk.”

  “After tonight,” purred the voice. “It all begins tonight”.

  I heard the glass door slide shut above me. It went quiet. I didn’t like the sound of ‘it all begins tonight’. Automatically I rushed back into my room; realising to my startled horror that Lynk was in there. I froze, stunned.

  “What do you want?” I asked cautiously as he stared at the fat white snow lashing down from the grumbling sky.

  “I just came to wish you a good winter,” he answered, seemingly authentic; though I didn’t believe him for a second. “I brought you a gift.” He pulled out a wrapped box from his pocket. I glanced at it sceptically, why was he giving me a present?

  “What is it?” I honestly tried not to sound apprehensive.

  “It was your mother’s,” he told me, smiling. I really wanted to believe his smile was genuine, but knew it was plastered on like a theatrical mask.

  Lynk offered me the box and I slowly opened it. Inside was a gold n
ecklace from which hung a feather-shaped garnet stone and several golden quills. It was a beautiful gem, deep crimson, and the chain was delicately engraved with ancient patterns.

  “Do you like it?” he wondered, his voice dark and unfathomable.

  “It’s beautiful, but why…“

  “Would you wear it?” he interrupted me, his voice strangely demanding.

  I nodded frantically under pressure, “It’s lovely. But why…”

  “It’s a gift. I realise that we didn’t really start well, so this is me saying sorry,” he answered, sounding earnest, his eyes uncharacteristically sincere. “Your mother would have wanted you to wear it tonight.”

  I was dumbfounded, completely confused, but I nodded.

  Lynk looked at me, his topaz eyes unreadable. “By the way, Kian shall not be your protector tonight. He needs a day off too.”

  “Really?” the immediate future suddenly brightened, “I don’t have to be followed around?”

  Lynk smiled and then said, “Yes, we’re leaving at seven.”

  “Erm, actually,” I added nervously as he turned to leave the room, “I’m going to go with Jayson Wanowa, he’s meeting me here.”

  I’d expected him to get angry and yell at me, but he stayed in absolute control. His face didn’t even twitch, “Okay, that’s fine. I have a few things to sort out so I’ll probably just see you there.” With that, he strolled through my room and shut the door behind him.

  I stood there unresponsively, staring bewilderedly at the necklace.

  What the hell? What things did he have to sort out?

  It all begins tonight.

  I rushed into my room, unsure of what to do. I couldn’t send a message. Lynk would read it. This was important; I needed to tell the Ashaiks what had happened, not only Lynk giving me an unexpected present, but what I’d heard when I was on the balcony. Why were those cannibal Phoenix or half-breed monsters -I wasn’t quite sure which-going to have human flesh soon? No humans live on the island except the slaves. Those words echoed in my head like a fearful promise. It all begins tonight.

  My maids came in mid-afternoon; apparently it was time to get ready, starting with a bath. The rest of my time was then spent with my maids rushing about around me with cosmetics and lotions and various other beauty therapy devices. I’d been demoted to toy doll.

  I closed my eyes to it all, listening to music, letting them tug at my hair and mess with my features. It was only once we’d struggled into the belly dancer outfit that I properly woke up. I didn’t wear my mother’s chain, instead I kept it safely hidden in my pillowcase so I couldn’t lose or break it.

  I was instructed to Half-Change downstairs because there’d be more room.

  Ellie then came forwards with the gold necklace Lynk had given me, placing it neatly over my curling crimson hair onto my neck. I didn’t dare glance in the mirror.

  I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I called, and Evelyn entered.

  “Jayson’s here,” she explained. “And you look lovely.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled appreciatively, “but I can’t move my head.”

  She smiled, “You ready now?”

  I nodded, feeling the nerves constantly winding up my bare back.

  We headed downstairs, into the Grand Hall. I stopped. Evelyn nodded in understanding. I closed my eyes, thinking of fire. I’d been practicing Half-Changing twice daily for the past week and had just about mastered the skill. My shoulders and the base of my back still bled from it though, and Evelyn had to carefully wipe the blood away. I took several deep breaths then finally went to the main entrance to meet Jayson, my sweeping tail feathers gliding across the floor like a wedding train, my wings folded delicately.

  Jayson looked amazing; like a divine painting stolen from the Vatican. He was wearing traditional golden trousers stitched with a red string… not that he didn’t usually wear trousers or anything. His beautiful golden wings stretched out and his pale muscled chest was bare and painted with crimson symbols of fire; his marks. His blond hair was styled perfectly. He had an excited brightness in his eyes.

  In that moment I truly understood why people thought we were Angels; who wouldn’t, looking at Jayson now?

  “You look beautiful,” he told me as I came closer.

  “Thanks, so do you.” I smiled.

  He laughed. “Shall we?” he gestured towards the door.

  I nodded, waving goodbye to Evelyn. We made our way outside. I knew I should have been cold, though it had stopped snowing and the sky was filled with twinkling stars, but I felt as if I were on fire.

  “How are you feeling?” Jayson asked.

  “Terrified,” I responded. I could feel myself shaking.

  We were travelling quite far, so my feet were killing me by the time we reached the centre of the city; the gardens behind the gemstone tower. I was so dizzy with nervousness that when I stopped I tripped on the grass.

  “Wonderful entrance there from Ruby,” a familiar voice called.

  Without looking up, I answered, “I must keep up my reputation.”

  I stood up straight, realising that the whole family was there; Chara, Nik, Ebony and her husband Will, Adrian. They all looked great. Chara dressed in a short backless satin dress with only her wings out, and Ebony in an emerald Brellusk; her gorgeous black tail feathers sprouting everywhere. Nik was shirtless like Jayson, his wings strong at his back and brownish trousers covering his legs; Adrian wingless and human. Then I saw Kieran.

  I think my heart stopped beating. I felt an awesome gush of…something flood through me, trembling my stomach. It was kind of like the feeling when you suddenly drop on a rollercoaster, only a million times better.

  He strolled towards me with that cocky swagger and stood still just a metre or so away. He was wearing all black, and he’d never looked hotter.

  His cinnamon skin was bare, but black Earth symbols were freshly painted over his prominent muscles, mingling with his usual tattoos. His obsidian wings danced behind him. I couldn’t actually believe my eyes when I saw his familiar biker leathers, hanging low on his hips; the bottoms tucked into black chunky boots that possibly hid something deadly. Had he really brought them all this way?

  On a dark belt strapped to his hips hung a long curved Gaborah blade; this was a sign of royalty. It was certainly an interesting combination with the leather. His onyx hair had been spiked up in gorgeous disarray, making him appear like a hawk. His piercing emerald eyes shone dangerously.

  Then Ebony moved into my line of vision. I blinked like a statue coming to life; the enchantment broken.

  “Ruby, you look amazing.” She enthused brilliantly.

  Chara swept forwards too, hugging me fiercely. I must admit, I was still a little star-struck. Nik came forwards as well, wrapping his arms around me in a brotherly way. Jayson abruptly put his arm around my waist.

  I looked at Jayson, suddenly remembering his existence and smiling reassuringly. Kieran glowered, almost baring his teeth. Apparently people were just noticing Jayson.

  “Oh Mother,” Chara said. “Jayson. You look like an angel.”

  Jayson frowned slightly, as if unsure if she was complimenting him. “Is that good?” he wondered good-naturedly.

  “No,” Kieran delivered before Chara could reply, “Angels have no reproductive organs. Do you see what she’s implying?” he shook his head in mock seriousness. “I wouldn’t stand for that.”

  “I didn’t mean-” Chara began, flustered.

  “You wouldn’t stand for anything, Kieran,” Jayson intercepted, tension rising like the calm before the storm.

  “No,“ Kieran considered calmly, “but I’d stand against you being within a hundred mile radius of me and civilisation.”

  I felt Jayson tense beside me and gripped his arm warningly.

  Kieran noticed this and smirked, “Don’t get your feathers in a bunch because of me. Just leave if you want to.”

  “Kieran, Adrian,” a vaguely familiar voice spok
e. Garnha suddenly stepped through the trees, her husband –Kieran’s awful father-shortly behind her. “Let’s go.”

  Kieran turned to look at his mother and father, “I didn’t realise this was a family event.” He smiled coldly at his father. “I should have brought my father-son friendship bracelet.”

  The man with salt and pepper hair grunted, “Kierakai,” threateningly.

  Kieran sighed, his face going startlingly serious. “Look, oh noble sperm donor, it’s not that I don’t like you or want to be seen in public with you. It’s just that I really don’t like you or want to be seen in public with you; so keep moving.” He gestured towards the numerous Phoenix making their way down the path to the surprise venue.

  Kieran’s father’s face was a thunderstorm of furious incredulity but before he could do anything Garnha ushered him away, giving Kieran a stern look.

  Once they’d disappeared into the crown, Kieran turned happily to the rest of us, “Anymore unwanted family reunions? No? Okay then, let’s get going; I know Jayson’s dying to show us his new moves on the dance floor.”

  Wisely, Jayson didn’t rise to the challenge.

  I gasped in astonishment as the Winter Palace came into view. At the top of permanent stone steps and flat expanse of stone, a masterpiece had been built. The venue had been structured entirely out of incandescent blue ice. Massive transparent shards of it scraped the heavens; and four main columns of ice supported the entire scintillating mass.

  Jayson nudged me and I followed him up the steps.

  Inside it was even more spectacular. The whole area was embellished with winter decorations; glittering crystal chandeliers, snowflake ice sculptures that were scattered between sapphire tinted bonfires and marvellously scented white flower arrangements. It was like being in a fairy tale.

  The room was absolutely huge and streaming with exotically dressed people; no Phoenix felt the cold. Round tables were dispersed occasionally. Dominating the centre of the room was an upraised spherical stage; I gulped.

  Suddenly a woman rushed towards us, she looked stressed but smiled, “I’m Savannah. Can I help you find your seats?”

  Then a vaguely familiar voice sounded next to me. It was the female Water Elder who’d supervised my singing practice. Her name was Katrina. “You take them,” she told the other woman, nodding towards the rest of my party, “I need Ruby. We may start early.”